يساعد على تقليل علامات التمدد والندبات والسيلوليت والخطوط الدقيقة في بشرتك
يعمل على تنظيف مسام بشرتك بلطف لتخليصها من السموم، ما يمنحها إحساساً منعشاً وملمساً ناعماً
تساعد على شد الجلد المترهل والمجعد وتقلل من الهالات السوداء
منتج يمتاز بإبر دقيقة من التيتانيوم المعقم
نظرة عامةDermaroller 4 in 1 set consists of:
Roller head 300 needle 0.5 mm is used for sensitive areas, eyelids and lips.
Swivel head 720 needles of 1.0 mm size used for face.
1200 needle 1.5mm rotary head for large areas of the body such as the thighs.
Dermaroller disinfection basin.
The rotating head of the dermaroller is studded with needles made of medical grade titanium, which is stainless, and does not bend after several uses.
Dermaroller needles of 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm in length are sharp and have the ability to create holes and channels in the skin, that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Thus, it treats skin problems.
These holes help in absorbing medicines and cosmetic products that speed healing and regeneration of skin cells.
Warnings and Contraindications
Do not share your dermaroller with others to avoid infection.
Do not use the roller on injured skin.
Having skin sensitivity to metals.
Do not use cosmetics that irritate the skin.
Active Youth Pills.
Eczema and psoriasis.
Important Tips
For best results, it is recommended to choose the appropriate needle size for the indications for use.
The product should be kept out of the reach of children.
The dermaroller must be disinfected with soap and water, and sterilized with alcohol well after use.
اسم اللون
محتويات العلبة
300 Pins, 0.5 mm For Eyes And Lips, 720 Pins, 1.0 mm For The Face And 1200 Pins, 1.5mm For The Body And Travel Case
"noon" وجهاز "noon" و"noon إيست" هي علامات تجارية أو علامات تجارية مسجلة لشركة نون ايه دي هولدينغز المحدودة، في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ودول أخرى.