4 أزواج من قفازات ترطيب شاشة اللمس المصنوعة من القطن الأبيض للاستخدام أثناء النوم لعلاج الإكزيما، علاج سبا لليدين قابل للغسل لإصلاح البشرة الجافة المتشققة والخشنة
Allowing you to play with your phone freely while wearing gloves;Our gloves are also designed with elastic bands to give you the best comfort and fit and long-lasting, is not prone to allergic reactions.
Our moisturizing gloves can assist in absorption of creams & ointments. treating hand eczema, moisturizing, conceals skin disorders, dry hands. thick, dermatologists recommend.
white cotton gloves avoid staining of fabrics and garments. Wear night gloves after using hand cream, lotion, which will promote the skin to absorb moisture.
moisturizing gloves made of 100% cotton lightweight stitching sewing fabric, which is soft, breathable and moisture wicking. You will feel the difference when you compare our cotton gloves with any other brand.
We provide quality over quantity, these gloves last longer than most. Use our cotton moisturizing gloves overnight can help to nourish and hydrate your skin, effectively treating hand eczema and dryness.
4 أزواج من قفازات ترطيب شاشة اللمس المصنوعة من القطن الأبيض للاستخدام أثناء النوم لعلاج الإكزيما، علاج سبا لليدين قابل للغسل لإصلاح البشرة الجافة المتشققة والخشنة