الميزات الأساسية- استمتع بالألوان الواضحة جداً والتي تم ضبطها بدقة لتمنحك صورة نقية وزاهية
- تصميم عصري ومصقول ومنحني وانسيابي يملأ المساحة المخصصة له
- يتيح لك النطاق الديناميكي العالي الاستمتاع بمجموعة واسعة من الألوان والتفاصيل المرئية، حتى في المشاهد المظلمة
- منتج يتميز بتقنية المدى الديناميكي العالي النشطة
- تقنية DTS Virtual:X
- يتميز بأربعة معالجات سريعة ودقيقة تعمل على التخلص من الضوضاء وإنشاء ألوان وتباين أكثر ديناميكية ويتم تحديث الصور منخفضة الدقة وإعادة إنتاجها كصور أكثر وضوحاً وحيوية
- ستستمتع بصوت غني خالٍ من العيوب ومتعدد الأبعاد حيث تبث السماعات المدمجة في التلفزيون الصوت من كل الزوايا
نظرة عامةThe history of LG Electronics has always been surrounded by the company's desire to create a happier, better life. Pioneering in technology through LG's innovative start and continuous growth, LG is becoming a faster and smarter global brand of the future. LG Electronics was established in 1958 and has since led the way into the advanced digital era thanks to the technological expertise acquired by manufacturing many home appliances such as radios and TVs. LG Electronics has unveiled many new products, applied new technologies in the form of mobile devices and digital TVs in the 21st century and continues to reinforce its status as a global company. LG’s philosophy revolves around people, sincerity, and sticking to the fundamentals. It is to understand our customers and to offer optimum solutions and new experiences through ceaseless innovation, thus helping our customers lead better lives. We are reaching out to discerning consumers with keen sensibilities - people who continue to explore new activities and take on new challenges to experience more and achieve a better life. We have developed our brand image gradually and consistently, always to communicate, “Life’s Good.” We are contemporary yet authentic, always evolving our fundamental philosophies to the modern arena. LG is mainly and mojorly into Refrigerators, Washing machines, Dishwashers, Cooking appliances, Vacuum cleaners, Built-in appliances, Air conditioners, Air purifiers, Dehumidifiers, TVs, Audio & Video, Monitors, PCs & Accessories, Commercial Products, In-Vehicle Infotainment, HVAC & Motor, Vehicle Engineering and commercial display solutions, solar solutions, energy storage systems (ESS) and energy management solutions (EMS). LG's vision is to become the market leading company with broad market recognition. LG Electronics is committed to "winning by the rules". We regard sound and transparent management practices as the foundation to achieving individual success and global competitiveness. Throughout our global operations, LG Electronics pledges to comply with local laws and regulations, compete fairly, and uphold the highest standards of business conduct. The LG Electronics Compliance Code of Conduct sets forth clear standards for legal and regulatory compliance all employees should live by in order to realize the principles provided in the LG Code of Ethics.