الميزات الأساسية- يتكون الطقم من مجموعة متماثلة من اللحاف وغطاءين للوسائد وشرشف للسرير مما يضفي جاذبية لغرفتك، كما يمكن لك تقديمه كهدية مفيدة لأحبائك
- تمتع بالنوم بهدوء مع طقم اللحاف المريح بشكل مذهل والذي يوفر المسة الناعمة والدافئة التي تحتاجها للحصول على قسط جيد من الراحة أثناء الليل، والأكثر من ذلك، فإن اللحاف خفيف الوزن محشو بنسبة 80٪ قطن و20٪ بوليستر لتحقيق توازن مثالي بين الدفء والراحة
- جميع قطع طقم السرير هذا قابلة للغسل في الغسالة مما يجعل تنظيفها أمراً بسيطاً للغاية، لذلك سواء كنت تبحث عن الاسترخاء تحت أغطيتك مع كتاب مفيد أو فيلم جيد، أو تتطلع ببساطة للنوم ليلاً، فإن هذا السرير مثالي لاحتياجاتك
نظرة عامةSleep in style with this luxurious duvet cover set made of microfiber which is well-known for its strength and durability. Microfibers are very tightly wound, so the sheets are much better at repelling allergens and pollutants. This duvet cover set is good for all weather conditions. Soft and supple, it will surely be an excellent addition to your bedroom decoration. The duvet Cover set offers long-lasting strength, a natural resistance to shrinking and wrinkles, and a noticeably soft hand feel. In addition to its durability and luxurious suppleness, the duvet set also offers the best of both insulating warmth and comfortable breathability. Comes in bright white to a variety of calm and rich hues that offer timeless good looks and an easy pairing with styles both traditional and contemporary alike. Ideal for a master bedroom, guest room, or kid’s room, the duvet cover set offers affordable, stylish, everyday comfort. All pieces of this bedding set are machine washable which makes cleaning the set extremely simple, so whether you’re looking to relax under your covers with a good book or movie, or simply doze off for the night, this bed is perfect for your needs. Sleep Down is committed to bringing its customer the best and the latest designs. This British designed duvet set is made from an easy care hotel quality material which is soft to the touch. This on trend duvet set includes a reversible duvet cover and matching pillowcase(s), and is made from a high quality polycotton blend comprising of 48% Cotton and 52% polyester. The duvet cover set is machine washable at 40℃, can be tumble dried and requires minimal ironing. Sleepdown designs are known for the latest trends, highest quality at affordable prices, and ethically manufactured.