الميزات الأساسية- مزود بمعالج قوي يمنحك صورة رائعة بدقة 4K وصوتاً فائق الجودة
- يتكيف مع البيئة المحيطة لضبط إعدادات السطوع تلقائياً
- يضفي التصميم فائق النحافة والناعم شكلاً عصرياً
- يتميز بجهد كهربي 110 فولت - 240 فولت وتردد 50-60 هرتز
- توفر تقنية HDR تبايناً أكبر للصورة، وتعزز تفاصيل الصورة وتجعل الألوان البراقة تنبض بالحياة
نظرة عامةEntertainment tailored for you With android TV P(9.0) , your favorite content is always available, so whether you’re looking for a new shows to watch or just want to pick up where you left off, you get what you want, when you want it. Provide hundreds of thousand hours contents from global and Local Content providers. It is no longer impossible to display the content of your iPhone on the TV screen, all you have to do is download the "iSmart" application from Apple Store on your phone, and enjoy watching the content on the TV screen with ease and clarity.Enjoy watching visual content in all its detail, Ultra-high definition and realistic picture with 4K HDR display system, Ultra-fast response speed in displaying fast motions of Class Pro TV, thanks to Quad Core processor, you will not miss a scene anymore.Class Pro TVs system Updatable through Play Store, it comes with a lot off pre-installed apps like TV Player, Open Browser Pango, YouTube, Google Play Store, Google Play Movies/Music/Games.Share your mobile content on the TV, with Chromecast built-in: audio, video, game .Class Pro TVs system Updatable through Play Store, it comes with a lot off pre-installed apps like TV Player, Open Browser Pango, YouTube, Google Play Store, Google Play Movies/Music/Games.