الميزات الأساسية- محرك أقراص SSD داخلي ساتا 3 TLC NAND SA400 من كينجستون سعة 480 جيجابايت مقاس 2.5 بوصة
- منتج يعمل 10 مرات أسرع من محرك الأقراص الصلبة مع سرعة هائلة للقراءة والكتابة. محرك أقراص A400 SSD لن يحسّن من الأداء فحسب بل يحسّن من أداء الأنظمة القديمة أيضاً
- المتانة - قرص يتميز بأنه مقاوم للصدمات والاهتزاز من أجل اعتمادية ومتانة عند الاستخدام للأجهزة اللوحية وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة، طراز A400
- تصميم أكثر قوة ومتانة من القرص الصلب
نظرة عامةKingston’s solid-state drive kingston’s solid-state drive dramatically improves the responsiveness of your existing system with incredible boot, loading and transfer times compared to mechanical hard drives. Powered by a latest gen controller for read and write speeds up to 500mb/s and 450mb/s, this ssd is 10x faster than a traditional hard drive for higher performance, ultra-responsive multi-tasking and an overall faster system.also more reliable and durable than a hard drive, a400 is built with flash memory. There are no moving parts, making it less likely to fail than a mechanical hard drive. It’s also cooler and quieter, and its shock and vibration resistance makes it ideal for notebooks and other mobile computing devices.available in multiple capacities 120gb–480gb to give you all the space you need for applications, videos, photos and other important documents. You can also replace your hard drive or a smaller ssd with a drive big enough to hold all your files.this ssd is designed for use in desktop and notebook computer workloads, and is not intended for server environments.10x faster than a hard drive with incredible read/write speeds the ssd will not only increase performance but can also be used to breathe new life into older systems.rugged shock- and vibration-resistant for rugged reliability when used in notebooks and other mobile computing devices.multiple capacities available in 120gb, 240gb and 480gb capacities, designed to suit anyone’s needs.ideal for desktops and notebooks a 7mm form factor to fit in a wider array of systems. It’s ideal for slimmer notebooks and in systems with limited available space.