الميزات الأساسية- Concentrated omega-3 fatty acids plus vitamin D to support normal, healthy heart, brain, eye, skin, and joint function.*
- Formulated with advanced and guaranteed levels of EPA and DHA which are important for memory and learning, as well as healthy pregnancies,*
- Made from responsibly sourced, cold-water, deep sea fish and flavored with lemon oil to minimize any fishy aftertaste.*
- USANA BiOmega softgels are free of trans-fatty acids and each capsule contains mixed, natural tocopherols to minimize oxidations of the omega-3 fatty acids and maintain product quality during storage.*
- Designed with guaranteed 2000 mg of fish oil concentrate to help you reach optimal levels of omega-3 fatty acids critical for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.*
نظرة عامةيسونا بي Omega-3 مكمل زيت السمك | اثنان في اليوم - لصحة القلب والعين والدماغ والمفاصل | يحتوي على EPA و DHA* | 56 كبسولة جيلاتينية طرية | 89.6 جرام - حجم الحصة: 2 كبسولة
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تناول كبسولتين (2) يوميًا، ويفضل مع الطعام.
فيتامين د، مركز زيت السمك، أحماض أوميغا-3 الدهنية، EPA، DHA