الميزات الأساسية- تم تصميمها لاستخدامها بشكلٍ فردي في المنزل والحديقة والعمل في أعمال البناء دون تشابك الكابلات
- علبة سرعة بسرعتين أقصاها 1700 دورة في الدقيقة تضمن عمليات سريعة لفك البراغي والثقب أو الثقب بالمطرقة
- العمل في ظروف إضاءة ضعيفة لم يعد مشكلة مع ضوء LED المدمج الخاص بالعمل مع المنتج
- يمكن إزالة الأوساخ التي تتراكم عند الحفر في الخشب والحجر والإسمنت والمعدن
- مزودة ببطارية آلة سعة 2.0 أمبير في الساعة BL1020B تضمن زمن شفط طويل الأمد
نظرة عامةMakita has always had the vision that society and global communities should be able to develop for themselves and future generations. By providing the tools, Makita is ensuring that anything is possible. We can be certain of this by the initiatives that guide our business every step of the way. From our regard for the environment, evolving safety measures and innovations in design and manufacturing, we’re sure that not only are we contributing to a better today, but investing in a better future. Makita, a global brand Makita have established directly operated business bases in about 50 countries around the world, and have upgraded our sales network in over 170 countries and after-sales service capabilities to become one of the leading companies in our industry. In addition, Makita is producing power tools in plants in China, U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Brazil, Romania and Thailand. Currently, about 90% of our group’s manufacturing work in terms of production volume is carried out overseas. Makita’s worldwide sales and service network, as well as the stable, high production quality ensured at its plants worldwide, are the embodiment of the Makita brand.