⭐️Adorable Anime Design: Unleash your creativity with this cute washi tape set featuring 6 rolls of vibrant and charming anime-inspired designs. Each roll is adorned with gold foil detailing, adding a touch of elegance to your DIY projects.
⭐️Kid-Friendly and Safe: Perfect for young artists and kids, this kawaii washi tape set is made from high-quality materials, ensuring safety and ease of use. Let your kids explore their artistic side while creating personalized items with these cute
⭐️Endless Creative Possibilities: Whether you're working on a DIY gift, scrapbooking, journaling, or party decorations, this cute decorative masking tape set is your go-to companion. Fuel your imagination and enhance your bullet journaling experience
⭐️Nice Gift Choice: Packed in a beautifully designed box, this kawaii washi tape set makes for an ideal gift for craft enthusiasts, kids, and anyone who loves adding a touch of whimsy to their projects. Surprise your friends or kids with this delight
مجموعة شريط واشي لطيف، 6 لفات + 8 قطع من شريط لاصق مزخرف برقائق ذهبية لحيوانات كاواي لليوميات ودفتر القصاصات والحرف اليدوية للأطفال واللوازم الجمالية والمخططين ومجلة الرصاص