وصف الكتاب | Cosmetic acupuncture (also known as facial enhancement, facial revitalisation or facial rejuvenation acupuncture) is a holistic treatment that treats the whole person, and has a long and distinguished history in Chinese medicine. Cosmetic acupuncture targets points and muscles of the face in order to improve the elasticity of the skin and general overall appearance, as well as addressing constitutional points on the legs, arms and body to balance and harmonise the inner elements. This is a practical guide to performing cosmetic acupuncture, demonstrating in detail the acupuncture points and techniques used in this procedure. It clearly explains the rationale behind the needling of each face and neck point alongside the illustrational diagram. This is the perfect, comprehensive guide for acupuncturists and acupuncture students who want to learn how to incorporate this alternative to surgical procedures into their practice. |