الميزات الأساسية- أكمام واسعة للحصول على لمسة بسيطة
- تصميم على شكل زهور جذابة يوفر الأناقة
- فتحة أزرار خلفية تتيح سهولة الارتداء والخلع
- منتج يتضمن غطاء حفاضات متناسقا للحفاظ على راحة طفلك
- اختيار مثالي للعطلات والمناسبات الخاصة الأخرى
نظرة عامةCarter’s is the leading brand of children’s clothing, gifts and accessories in America, selling more than 10 products for every child born in the U.S. Our designs are based on a heritage of quality and innovation that has earned us the trust of generations of families. We continue this heritage in every little detail to make dressing easier for mom and life more comfortable for babies, and as we move into the future, we are proud to help families like yours with innovative products and new ways to shop for them. Throughout the years, Carter’s has been known for its thoughtful little details like the Handi-Cuff mitten sleeve that protects babies from self-scratching, and the Jiffon neck design that slips over little ears for easy outfit changes – and although we’ve grown a lot since the early days, we stay true to the philosophy that earned us the trust of generations of families.