وصف الكتاب | With more than 1.3 million users and growing every week, Zoho is a popular online suite of productivity applications that include email, word processor, spreadsheet, accounting, collaboration, social networking and other creative tools. It's basically like having an online version of Microsoft Office, and Google Apps. And do you know what's great about Zoho? It's cost efficient and free depending on the services you choose; it's hosted on their servers; little or no tech support will ever be needed; and it runs nicely on thin clients like netbooks or smartphones like the iPhone. Also, according to CIO Magazine: "[Zoho has] got more applications than Google. The apps they have are richer." Foundation Zoho gets you started with the vibrant Zoho and shows you how to use it for day-to-day tasks as well as have fun with it. This book also helps you to utilize Zoho with iPhone or even with Microsoft Office, if you still wish to use it. |