Supercharged C60 is an advanced form of micro-activated, multi-layered, and highly organized Carbon 60. C60 is thought to be one of the most potent antioxidants, and has been used for years to support detoxification, enhance the body’s defense against the harmful effects of aging, and promote a healthy immune system. Global Healing’s Supercharged C60 is manufactured with a solvent-free, electrical process, so it has a purity level of over 99.9 percent. It can be taken on an empty stomach, but they are best taken with fats; olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, Ghee, or butter.
Our Supercharged C60 is a vegan, non-GMO antioxidant that can support your body at the cellular level and protect cells against oxidative stress. It’ll provide an advanced form of C60 that’ll support whole-body wellness, energy levels, healthy aging, and the immune system.
Here at Global Healing, we want to encourage knowledge to help you make the necessary decisions in good nutrition & lifestyle changes. We offer advice & nutrition support for good health. Stay strong and positive, we'll help lead the way in your thirst for knowledge of good nutrition.
El C60 sobrealimentado es una forma avanzada de Carbono 60 microactivado, de múltiples capas y altamente organizado. Se cree que el C60 es uno de los antioxidantes más potentes y se ha utilizado durante años para apoyar la desintoxicación y mejorar la defensa del cuerpo contra los dañinos. efectos del envejecimiento y promover un sistema inmunológico saludable. El Supercharged C60 de Global Healing se fabrica con un proceso eléctrico sin disolventes, por lo que tiene un nivel de pureza superior al 99,9 por ciento. Se puede tomar con el estómago vacío, pero es mejor tomarlo con grasas; aceite de oliva, aceite de coco, aceite MCT, ghee o mantequilla.
Nuestro Supercharged C60 es un antioxidante vegano, no transgénico, que puede ayudar a su cuerpo a nivel celular y proteger las células contra el estrés oxidativo.
Ingredients: Supercharged C60 (Micro-Activated Carbon), Activated Charcoal, Vegetable Capsules, Organic Sunflower Lecithin, Organic MCT Powder, Organic Gum Acacia, Energized Trace Minerals Promotes Healthy Aging - The antioxidants of C60 defend against free radicals that are the cause behind the normal wear and tear we know as aging. This advanced form of micro-activated, multi-layered carbon 60 is 10 million times more powerful than regular Carbon 60. Boosts Energy Levels - The antioxidant properties of Supercharged C60 and MCT powder can support healthy energy levels and mental clarity. Helps support and protect the mitochondria — the cellular "powerhouses" used to create over 90 percent of our energy.وزن المنتج | 0.11 KG |
الحجم | 30 Count (Pack of 1) |
القسم | Unisex |