Latest Detangling Innovation: The Wetbrush Go Green Treatment And Shine Brush introduces the latest detangling innovation, featuring Coconut Oil infusion for added benefits.
Eco Friendly Materials: Crafted from eco friendly and biodegradable materials, this brush is designed with the environment in mind while remaining gentle on your hair.
Shine Enhancement: The brush includes a built in natural oil treatment that evenly distributes Coconut Oil throughout your hair as you brush, enhancing shine and providing smoothing and conditioning effects.
Gentle Detangling: Cruelty free bristles effortlessly glide through tangles, leaving your hair sleek and glossy without causing damage or discomfort.
Intelliflex Bristles: The brush's Intelliflex bristles contribute to 45% less breakage and up to 55% less detangling effort, offering a win win solution for hair care.
نوع الشعر المستهدف
All Hair Types
علاج وتلميع Go Green، وردي، فرشاة تلميع، فرشاة شعر مبتكرة غنية بزيت جوز الهند، صديقة للبيئة، مادة قابلة للتحلل البيولوجي، تعزيز اللمعان، زيت طبيعي