وصف الكتاب | Heideggerian Existential Therapy focuses on Martin Heidegger’s philosophy in order to provide both a wider accessibility as well as understanding of its relevance to therapeutic practice.This book unveils in great depth the core tenets of Heidegger’s thinking, without presuming any philosophical background. It attends to the manner in which we inevitably undergo disruptions, disturbances, perturbations, breakdowns, and collapses in the course of our lives, and on the way in which they can be addressed and understood from an existential therapeutic perspective. The text covers Heidegger’s ideas with illustrations and examples, in order to free them from the confines of philosophy in a way that then enables them to be brought directly into the therapy room. Each chapter takes the reader from an initial philosophical grounding of this approach towards a clear and concrete way of working existentially with clients.The text is primarily intended for trainee and practising psychotherapists, but will undoubtedly be of considerable relevance and interest to coaches, consultants, and trainers who wish to expand and deepen their skills and approaches in their own fields. |