✔ Panchkarma Ayurveda Aloe Vera Powder is a khaki-green coloured fine powder with a wide range of uses. This Aloe Vera Powder is produced by freeze-drying the leaves and pulp of the Aloe Vera leaf. It smells like a combination of peas, grass and honeydew melon and behaves not much different to stringy henna.
✔ NO CHEMICALS, NO PARABENS, NO PRESERVATIVES - ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS. Although, a patch test is well recommended for your first time use.
✔ MAKE YOUR OWN DIY: - Apply individually or create your own way to mix up other natural ingredients to make a skin & hair care remedy.
✔ PURPOSE OF USE: Skin, Hair & Scalp Care Regimen.
مسحوق أوراق الصبار الطبيعي والأعشاب (الصبار باربادنسيس) لتفتيح البشرة وعلاج حب الشباب وتفتيح لون البشرة ولمعان الشعر وعلاج تساقط الشعر (100 جرام)