Look and feel your best with thicker, fuller hair. hims 5% topical minoxidil solution tackles thinning hair and balding on the scalp with an easy-to-use formula. It's clinically proven to regrow hair in 3 to 6 months, no pills required
Drop 1 mL of minoxidil twice a day directly onto areas of your scalp where hair is thinning and let dry. While your hair is wet, stay away from pillows, hats, etc. Do not apply more minoxidil than instructed, as this can cause serious side effects
وزن المنتج
0.11 KG
60.0 ml
مدة الصلاحية
540 day
علاج إعادة نمو الشعر بقوة إضافية للرجال بمحلول مينوكسيديل موضعي بنسبة 5% لعلاج تساقط الشعر وتساقط الشعر، بدون رائحة، عبوتان