BREATHER VOICE: DESIGNED FOR SPORTRE,SINGERS, INFLUENCERS, PODCASTERS, VLOGGERS, ACTORS, PUBLIC SPEAKERS. Breather Voice to improve vocal range so you can widen your vocal range and use your voice with ease!
INDEPENDENT INHALING AND EXHALING DIAL CONTROL: The Breather muscle trainer operates with independent settings for inhalation and exhalation. The ultimate lung trainer, supporting respiratory health by promoting belly breathing.
THE BREATHER VOICE IS FOR ALL AGES: From 8 -98, The Breather Voice can be used by people of all ages. The Breather Voice offers an intermediate start to training and up to 6 different resistance options for you to progress in training your breath.
EASY TO USE: No need for complex operations or additional tools. The upgraded and complete accessories make training easier.
MEDICAL GRADE MATERIALS: We only use high quality medical grade materials that have undergone extensive and rigorous testing to ensure safety for our customers.
وزن المنتج
71 g
اسم اللون
Blue and White
طول المنتج
13.2 cm
ارتفاع المنتج
4.6 cm
عرض المنتج
4.5 cm
جهاز توسيع الرئة، جهاز تمرين التنفس للرئتين، جل السيليكا مدرب تمرين التنفس العميق، زيادة قدرة الرئة، مدرب تمرين التنفس