THE HIGH CHAIR THAT CHANGES AS MUCH AS THEY DO The stylish Minla 6-in-1 High Chair is full of possibilities. Its 6 modes and variations are designed to keep up with your kiddo‚ growth spurts and new skills in the years ahead.
SMART, ADJUSTABLE DESIGN 9 height and 5 recline positions, plus 4 tray positions, allow you to use Minla as an infant high chair, a feeding high chair, a feeding booster, a dining booster, a dining high chair, and as a supportive stool for your big k
MESSES CLEAN UP QUICKLY Minla is a parent‚ dream to clean. The liquid-repellant fabric is made for spills, and you can toss the zip-off seat pad in the washing machine. Pop the removable snack tray in the dishwasher and wipe down the rest.
SLIM AND COMPACT, TO STOW OR GO Minla‚ slim, compact fold helps you save space when you need to tuck it away, or take it with you to a friend‚ dinner party or the grandparents‚ô house for fun family holidays.
AGES AND STAGES As your little one grows, so does their ability to transition through the modes. High Chair Mode: up to 3 years or 40 lbs. Booster Seat Mode: from 6 months to 5 years, up to 50 lbs. Child Stool Mode: from 3 years, up to 50 lbs.