PROTECT WORK SURFACES -Pinless moisture meter comes with no pins on, so your walls and projects can be undamaged from pinholes, scuffing and scratching to figure out their moisture levels
EASY TO READ AND USE- Moisture meter has Big backlit LCD screen and a 3-color LED bar graph, HOLD button, auto power-off function, out of range alarm and low battery, 9V battery included
FIRST STEP IN MOLD PREVENTION - by checking suspicious water stains with a moisture tester around the house, You can determine whether the area is wet (a perfect breeding ground for mold),but not tell the mold directly.
VISUAL AND AUDIBLE ALERTS - if you’re looking for the source of a leak behind your work surfaces, listen for the high pitch tones to give you an accurate read on where moisture is most concentrated or quickly see using the tricolor LED moisture indic
WHY CHOOSE -- tools are known for their affordability, quality and reliability.
مقياس الرطوبة مقياس رطوبة الجدران للجدران الخشبية مقياس سم مقياس رطوبة الخرسانة للجدران الجافة مواد البناء جدران القبو