الميزات الأساسية- مزودة ببكرات تدليك سفلية لتحسين الدورة الدموية في القدم مع تخفيف الإجهاد في القدم
- دواسات مانعة للانزلاق ومزودة بأشرطة تثبيت ومقابض مريحة ومناسبة لليدين لتوفير المزيد من الاستقرار والأمان
- شاشة LCD تظهر الوقت، والمسافة، والسعرات الحرارية، وعدد الدورات في الدقيقة (دورة في الدقيقة)، والعدد والفحص
نظرة عامةSkyland Portable Multi Peddler Cycle Machine for Arms and Legs with LCD Monitor and Massage RollersEM1862 It gives great lowsway work out, fortifies muscle strength in the legs or arms, and further develops blood dissemination. Can be utilized for leg exercise and arm exerciser, can be utilized in the workplace just as at home or even in the office Advantageous for conservation, saving a ton of space in room. This home physiotherapy station, covers a space of little, collapsing, basic construction and sensible. Smaller plan makes it simple for moving or capacity, you can shroud it away in the room corner Sevenlevel tallness change will make the recuperation more agreeable and quicker. By changing the point of the triangle structure, the pedal stature is more in accordance with the recovery preparing of the older, The thickened steel line can conveniently forestall twisting. Despite the expense of the material, all thickened steel pipe structure are utilized to create the machine more vigorous and sturdy that can all the more likely let you have confidence. Different Workout Strategy Suitable for sports lovers who like indoor wellness and a few patients with cerebral paralysis, hemiplegia, removal, spinal line injury, upper and lower appendage brokenness, helpful for appendage practice preparing to accomplish wellness recovery impact.