وصف الكتاب | Foreword by Professor Harold W. Kroto, Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Mihail C. Roco, National Science Foundation, USA Rapid advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology research indicate a need for corresponding science, engineering and medical education efforts. Issues relating to K-12 scientific and technological literacy become even more pressing concerns, given the extent to which advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology are expected to impact all aspects of human experience, e.g. healthcare and medicine, transportation, electronics, and environmental sustainability, to name but a few. This book contains 36 state-of-the-art chapters and addresses the following topics: (i) current efforts in the field of nanoscale science and engineering education; (ii) noteworthy examples showing the integration of nanotechnology in undergraduate education (chemistry, physics, biological sciences, engineering, environmental science, technology, etc.); (iii) efforts relating to general scientific and technological literacy/public awareness in nanoscale science and engineering; (iv) projects demonstrating the importance of nanoscale science and technology education at the K-12 level, and examples of how specific concepts have been integrated into science instruction at the primary and secondary school levels (pre-college/university); (v) curriculum development and assessment; (vi) social and ethical issues associated with nanoscale science and engineering research (vii) workforce preparation (professional and vocational), and (viii) national and state science standards and their relationships to the goals of nanotechnology initiatives worldwide. The book is written by leading experts who are interested and experienced in nanoscience and nanotechnology education. |