Treat and prevent breakouts with this medicated cleanser containing 2.5 percent benzoyl peroxide
Suitable for even severe acne and body acne
Clears and prevents breakouts including pimple, cystic acne, blackheads, and whiteheads
Use every morning and evening. Apply a dime-size amount to damp skin and gently massage, avoiding the eye area. Rinse well. If bothersome peeling occurs, reduce application use. May also be used on chest or back.
Fragrance Free
محتويات العلبة
ACNEFREE Oil-Free Acne Cleanser 237ml
نوع البشرة المستهدف
مشكلات الجلد
منظف حب الشباب الخالي من الزيوت 2.5% غسول الوجه بيروكسيد البنزويل 237 مل