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نظرة عامةCrucial p2 ssd- whether you’re at work, in the game, or on the go, ordinary bootup speeds can frustrate your best laid plans. good thing the crucial p2 ssd really flies. with plenty of storage and performance accelerated by nvme technology, the p2 has the speed and dependability you need to explore your computer’s potential.do more. wait less.- experience the nvme difference. the crucial p2 unlocks the performance of your computer, delivering shorter load times and faster data transfers.lasting reliability- backed by thousands of validation hours, dozens of qualification tests, a heritage of award-winning ssds.peace of mind- includes ssd management software for performance optimization, data security, and firmware updates.lasting reliability- backed by thousands of validation hours, dozens of qualification tests, and a heritage of award-winning ssds, the crucial p2 has been thoroughly tried, tested, and proven.peace of mind- the crucial p2 includes ssd management software for performance optimization, data security, and firmware updates.