وصف الكتاب | Each of us walks on a path in life.
Either this path is by his choice or it is imposed upon him.
So he lives his life with its sweetness and bitterness, its pain and joy, its success and failure, until he reaches the end of the path.
And at the end of the path:
Either he finds that every step he took on the path of his life was running after a mirage that did not materialize, so he leaves that as a lump in his heart and throat, and he keeps asking himself: What happened? Where did I go wrong?
Or he feels that his steps on the path he walked on have achieved his dreams and aspirations, or some of them, so he feels satisfied with himself.
Or he may be somewhere in between. |
عن المؤلف | The author was born in Qalqilya, but he has lived in Damascus, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and then Amman, taking a part of his personality, thinking, and values from each country he lived in.
His studies in Cairo, Tokyo, and London broadened his horizons and contributed to shaping his personality and opening up new horizons for him.
Likewise, his work in training, which took him to most parts of the Arab world and to many foreign countries, opened the door for him to draw from diverse cultures and to learn about new and different lifestyles.
The author has refined everything he has gained from knowledge and exposure to this great diversity in his life to bring us this novel and what will follow it. |