الميزات الأساسية- Deeply hydrates dry skin: symptoms of psoriasis worsen when your skin is dry; luckily, our psoriasis cream extra strength with aloe vera oil and castor oil moisturizes, giving you a break from all the itching, as is ideal for an anti-rash cream | gentle hyaluronic acid cream: featuring nutrient-rich ingredients, our psoriasis scalp treatment and dry skin cream is non-irritating and non-greasy; this vitamin e lotion leaves you feeling refreshed while improving the look of rough and bumpy skin | gentle hyaluronic acid cream: featuring nutrient-rich ingredients, our psoriasis scalp treatment and dry skin cream is non-irritating and non-greasy; this vitamin e lotion leaves you feeling refreshed while improving the look of rough and bumpy skin | soothes dry skin: with coconut oil, manuka honey, sugar cane, and shea, our psoriasis lotion calms psoriasis-related dryness; this body moisturizer and hydrating face moisturizer reduces the look of red, scaly patches, helping improve your complexion | directions for use: apply our vitamin e moisturizing cream to clean, dry skin; massage onto affected areas in a circular motion for 1 minute or until fully absorbed; for optimal results, apply a generous amount of this body cream for skin daily
- Treeactiv psoriasis treatment cream | vitamin e & hyaluronic acid moisturizer for face, hands, scalp, leg, feet, butt, & body | soothing itch relief lotion for rashes, scales, & dry skin | 500+ uses
نظرة عامةكريم لعلاج الصدفية من تري أكتيف| منتج غني بفيتامين e وحمض الهيالورونيك ومرطب للوجه واليدين وفروة الرأس والساق والقدمين والمؤخرة والجسم | لوشن مهدئ وملطف لتخفيف الحكة والطفح الجلدي والقشور والبشرة الجافة | له أكتر من 500 استخدام