ينظف بعمق ويحافظ على التوازن الطبيعي لترطيب البشرة
يجدد البشرة بفضل تركيبته المنعشة
تركيبة لطيفة على البشرة غنية بفيتامين E
ينعش وينظف البشرة بعمق ويعطي مظهراً صحياً وجميلاً
مثبت طبيًا توافقه مع الجلد
نظرة عامةNIVEA Refreshing Face Wash thoroughly yet gently and effectively cleanses your skin while supporting it natural moisture balance.
Enriched with lotus flower and Hydra IQ technology, NIVEA Refreshing Face Wash invigorates the skin thanks to its refreshing and nourishing mild formula, leaving it looking healthy and beautiful.
NIVEA understands skin like no one else. That’s why we create products that cleanse, nourish and protect your skin, while giving it exactly what it needs – gentle yet effective care that keeps your skin smooth, supple and radiantly beautiful. No matter what you do, or where you live, we’re here to help you enjoy better skincare for life.
NIVEA, a hundred years of skincare for life!