Kit Cat SOYA CLUMP is 100% biodegradable soy-based cat litter with mild aroma. This unique product is made from the insoluble parts of a soybean which is found in soymilk production
Normally these insoluble parts are mainly disposed in a landfill, but Kit Cat innovates a second purpose for this ‘wasted’ material to be used as cat litter, labeling us as Eco-Friendly.
This cat litter works as an excellent liquid absorbent as it can take up moisture up to 3 times more compared to traditional clay litters/crystal litter. With an instant clumping formula, it clumps upon in contact with fluid.
Quick Clumping : Forms scoopable clumps after use. Do Not Stick To The Cat Litter Box Eco Friendly : Made from natural biodegradable soybean
7 Liters
نوع الحيوان الأليف
قمامة فضلات القطط الصغيرة من بودرة الصويا للأطفال 5 لتر