Effective against a wide range of microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses.
Non staining & Non corrosive & Alcohol Free.
Rapid Action. A Powerful Cetrimide.
General Antiseptic: 1% solution: 10ml / 1 Litre of water: antiseptic for skin and hand, cleansing and irrigating the skin or wounds, for First Aid treatment – apply the diluted liquid carefully to the affected area.
General Surface Disinfectant:1% solution: 10ml/ 1 Litre of water: cleaning rooms and contaminated surfaces, equipment and stainless-steel instruments.
مطهر عام ومعقم هيماكسون من ستيريلاسيف، محلول كلورهيكسيدين جلوكونات 1.5% وسيتريميد 15%، 1000 مل