نظرة عامة
- Commercially Approved Legal Use (Can Be Used in Direct Sales to the Public.)
- Binary Gradient Multi-Space 2 / 30,000 Gradations
- Large LCD Display 6 Digits Easy to Read LCD Display Number Size 15 mm
- Standard Indicator Lighting (BACKLIGHT)
- Use with Flat or Concave Head
- Automatic Unit Weight Correction
- Ability to Tare Over and Up to Maximum Draw
- 250 PLUs (Unit Weight Memory), 8 One-Click PLUs
- Up to 100 Hours of Battery Powered Use
- Automatic and Key Reset
- Resistant to Overload and Impacts
- Use with Rechargeable Battery and Adapter
Screen Description
Zero Symbol : PWhen the latform is Empty
Balance Symbol: It goes off when the product is placed and removed. To Read Weight It is necessary to wait for the symbol to light up. If it does not light up, the weight shown on the indicator may not be correct.
NET Symbol NETN:Indicates that the Weight Value Displayed is the NET Weight (Tare Weight Subtracted).
Tare Symbol T:Indicates that weighing is carried out using tare. If the tare is not fixed, it will flash, if it is fixed, it will be on continuously. (Only Available in Models with LCD Display.)
Memory Symbol M: Blinks when total memory is full. Constantly Visible While Memory Contents Are Showing.
Battery SymbolIndicates that the battery is being used. If it is blinking, it is necessary to charge the battery as soon as possible.
Additionally, in models with LCD displays, the 4-Piece Level Indicator Inside the Battery Symbol Shows the Battery Charge Rate. If the frame is not visible, the device is being powered by the adapter. If the level indicators are flashing while feeding from the adapter, it means the battery is being charged. If the level indicators are on, it means the battery is charged.
Keypad Functions
T Key
O Key
F Key
☼ key
M+ Key
C KEYIt is used to reset the unit price or other variables.
HAND BUTTON:It is used to add to the total memory without weighing.
P KEY:It is used to get printouts from the printer. (If Printer Feature is Available)
FIXED KEY:Fixes the Unit Price.
PLU BUTTON:It is used to access unit price programs using number keys.
P1 / P2 KEY:It is used to access unit price programs with a single click.
KEY:The program keys are used to access the programs written below.
The device is turned on with an indicator test in which all icons on the indicator light up. Next 10 sec. During the duration, counting down numbers are displayed on the display. Then, the maximum draw and division are displayed for a short period of time and the device becomes ready for weighing. Zero Value Appears on the Display and Sembolisms are lit. Nothing should be placed on the platform until it is ready for weighing. The product to be weighed is placed on the platform. The symbol is expected to light up. Product Weight is Read on the Display.
Tare Function
- The object to be tared is placed on the load platform.
- TThe button is pressed. On Weight IndicatorTare"0.000” Weight Value is Read.NETTSymbol (Only in LCD Models) Starts Flashing. Tare has been taken.
- The product to be weighed is placed on the platform.
- The platform is cleared. NETandT
Zero Function
If there is no load on the platform, "0.000" value is seen on the weight indicator, SIf the embolus does not burn and Symbols must be litir.If the Value in the Indicator is Non-Zero (or If the symbol is not lit)Press the button to get zero.
Weighing by Calculating Price
If a Unit Price Comes While Weighing a Product, the Amount of the Product is Calculated Automatically. It is possible to enter the unit price in two different ways.
- '' 0 ''. It is entered using '' 1 ''.....'' 9 '' (Number Keys).
- P1,.....,P30 It is entered by pressing one of the program keys.
Recording the Unit Price;
- Whichever of the P1,....,P30 keys to be recorded is pressed and held for at least 3 seconds.
- A long beep is heard.
- The number of the registered program key is seen on the unit price display for a short period of time.
- The button below must be pressed to access the programs below (between P 16 - P 30).
Error Messages
- Private 1:Turn the Device Off and On Again. If the error is not resolved, call service.
- Private 2:Wait for a while. Turn the Device Off and On Again. If the error is not resolved, call service.
- Private 3:Wait for a while. When There is No Load on the Platform
- Private 5:Initial Zero Range Error. Does not weigh. An attempt may have been made to open the weighing machine while the platform (load carrier) was not attached or there was weight on the platform. Close and Clear the Platform. (If the platform is not attached, replace it.) Turn the Weighing Machine On Again While There is No Load on the Platform. If this warning appears even when the platform is empty and opened, call service.
- Private 8: Interface Communication Error. Turn the Device Off and On Again. If the product is not computer/printer output and the error is not resolved, call service.
- Private 14:Loadcell Connection Error. Check Loadcell Cable and Connector. If the Loadcell Connector is not Plugged in, Plug it in. If the problem is not resolved, turn off the device and turn it on again. If the error is not resolved, call service.
- Lo bAtt :
- full(On Weight Indicator):
- full(On Amount Indicator):
- nnnnnn :An attempt may have been made to open the weighing machine while the platform (load carrier) was not attached or there was weight on the platform. Clear the Platform. (If the platform is not attached, replace it) If necessary, turn the weighing device on again when there is no load on the platform. For Two-Platform Models, Make Sure Both Platforms Are Clear. If this warning appears even when the platform is opened while it is empty, contact the central service by phone.
Care and Protection- 1. Do not splash or spill water on the scale. Clean the Scale with a Soft and Slightly Damp Cloth.
- 2. Do not apply damaging liquids such as acetone, thinner, thinner or solvent to the surface.
- 3. Keep the Scale in a Dry and Clean Environment.
- 4.Keep your device in a horizontal position in a cool and dry environment when taking it to another place or when not using it for a long time.
- 5. We Recommend You Use a Dust Protective Cover.
- 6. Do not open or tamper with the device. Our Authorized Services for Any ProblemsYour e-Application
WARNINGS- Do not perform any operations other than the maintenance and repairs mentioned in this user manual.
- Protect your device from extreme heat and cold, extreme impacts, water, rain, dust, dirt and RF waves.
- Place your device on a flat and hard surface and level it by adjusting the feet.
- Do not place more load on your device than the maximum capacity of your device.
- Do not attempt to disassemble the parts to clean the device.
- Your device is under a two-year manufacturer's warranty against all kinds of manufacturing defects. Contact Our Authorized Services for Any Problems.
The symbol should be lit. If it is not on It can be lit by pressing the button. Otherwise, incorrect measurements may occur. : : It is used to accept the load placed on the platform as tare.: When there is no load on the platform, it becomes zero. (Allows the Weight Indicator to Be Set to Exact Zero): Used to Access the Settings Menu and Similar Additional Functions.: Enables and Disables the Display Lighting. : Used to Add to Total Memory. (Does Not Work Without Printer Output.): Used to Show and Delete Total Memory Content. (Does Not Work Without Printer Output.): The symbol is expected to light up. Tare Weight is Read on the Weight Indicator.Shortly After the Text AppearedThe symbol lights up. The symbol is expected to light up. The net weight of the product (after subtracting the tare) is displayed on the display. The symbol is expected to light up.Symbols Go Out. Tare Has Been Automatically Canceled. T Press the key. If the problem is not resolved, turn off the device and turn it on again. If the error is not resolved, call service. It is visible if the battery (or battery) is dead. Weighing Machine Does Not Work. It should be charged as soon as possible.Weight on Max Trailer.The amount is too large to be displayed on the display..