الميزات الأساسية- تتميز بـ 4 برامج غسل تُمكنك من اختيار البرنامج حسب نوع النسيج
- تحتوي على تكنولوجيا التحميل العلوي التي تساعد على الحفاظ على الطاقة أثناء التحميل
- يحتوي على وظيفة المنشفة الدوارة لراحتك
- غسالة بحوض واحد ومؤقت تحكم مع سلة تدور لفترة تصل إلى 15 دقيقة
- منتج يمتاز بخاصية الدوران لمدة 5 دقائق ومؤقت تحكم ليناسب احتياجاتك
نظرة عامةEstablished in 1994, AFTRON specialises in electronics and offers an extensive line-up of over 450 progressive electronic products which include brown and white goods besides air conditioners that are marketed in 40 countries across the globe. A fast-evolving brand, AFTRON consistently designs products that are convenient, practical and affordable, providing true value to customers. A high-quality alternative to the more expensive consumer electronics brands available in the market, AFTRON has steadily expanded its presence in the GCC, and is represented by a network of distributors in other Middle East countries, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Sri Lanka and Africa. In the years since its inception, AFTRON products have been bought by over 14 million satisfied customers and currently has a 250 strong dealer network across the UAE.