الميزات الأساسية- توفر تنظيفاً شديداً حتى على درجات حرارة منخفضة
- تتيح لك ميزة Add Wash إضافة الملابس المنسية ببساطة وبسرعة بعد بدء دورتك بالفعل
- غسالة بمضخة مياه قوية لرش الماء تقوم بغسل الأوساخ والمنظفات الزائدة مما يتيح لك أفضل غسيل ممكن دون استخدام اليدين
- تعمل تكنولوجيا إير ووش على إزالة الروائح الكريهة وتطهير ملابسك لتتمتع برائحة منعشة دائماً
- عناية لطيفة بالغسيل بدرجة تجفيف أقل
نظرة عامةToshiba has a long history of over 60 years in india and we are on track with the rs. 3000 crore investment since 2013 and currently employ close to 10,000 people in india. Toshiba is focusing on sustainable b2b fields like railway systems, batteries, elevators and water treatment besides power systems field. We have identified india as a hub for our manufacturing operations and export base with an aim to "make in india and export from india. In 1873, the ministry of engineering, responsible for promoting japan’s modernization, commissioned hisashige tanaka to develop telegraphic equipment. He built a factory in tokyo in 1875 to accommodate the growing government orders. This was tanaka seizo-sho (tanaka engineering works), one of the forerunners of toshiba. Separately, in 1878, ichisuke fujioka developed japan’s first arc lamp while studying at the imperial college of engineering (now the faculty of engineering of the university of tokyo), under the tutelage of visiting professor william ayrton. At that time, japan had to import all of its electric lamps. Fujioka established hakunetsu-sha co., ltd. In 1890 to manufacture light bulbs in japan