- Tummy Time Intelligence Cards Safe Baby Mirror helps the muscles in the shoulders, legs, abdomen, back and neck to work.
- We can also call tummy time "tummy time". With this activity, babies are placed face down on their stomachs. In this way, the baby exercises his muscles by trying to move or crawl.
- Supports trunk stability and head control.
- Improves motor skills such as crawling, turning and holding on.
- It accelerates the crawling process, which is the path to walking.
- Since the baby does not lie on his back all the time, the risk of the back of the head becoming flat is reduced.
- You can make time for tummy time by making a schedule at certain times of the day for your baby, who needs support from you to exercise the muscles he does not use in his body.
- To improve your baby's physical development and coordination skills, you can have fun with tummy time during the day when he is not sleeping.
- Tummy time supports not only your baby's physical development but also his mental development.
- Allowing your baby to see and explore his/her surroundings, tummy time develops your baby's sense of discovery. |