عن المؤلف | Karl Aubrey is a Visiting Tutor on the Professional Studies in Education programmes at Bishop Grosseteste University. Prior to this Karl was the Programme Leader for a range of initial teacher education and professional development programmes at a large city further education college. Between 2003 and 2005 he was seconded to the DfES Standards Unit as a learning and teaching practitioner in the East Midlands. Karl has contributed to the Oxford Dictionary of Education. His doctoral thesis explored the reforms in further education teacher education from 2000 to 2010, from the viewpoint of teacher educators. Karls research interests include inclusion, education policy, pedagogy and work-based learning.Alison Riley is the Programme Leader for the BA(Hons) Early Childhood Studies degree at Bishop Grosseteste University, she has also worked on a number of educational-related programmes at the university including initial teaching training courses. Prior to joining Bishop Grosseteste University Alison spent sixteen years working in primary education, as a classroom teacher, deputy head teacher and finally head teacher of a large junior school. Alison has been involved in a number of collaborative projects and has recently been involved in an EU-funded project researching Creativity in Early Science and Mathematics Education. Alison has recently commenced doctoral studies in which she is researching the journey of students entering higher education with alternative qualifications. |