الميزات الأساسية- يراعي التصميم المكتنز التنظيف الفعال بالمكنسة في الأماكن التي يصعب الوصول إليها
- مصنوع لضمان تنظيف فعال من دون التسبب في إحداث الضوضاء
- يتميز بفوهة أرضية عالمية لإبعاد الغبار والأوساخ عن الشقوق
- منتج مثالي لتنظيف جميع الأرضيات يمنحك تنظيفاً يدوم طويلاً
- يمكنك إلقاء الأتربة في حاوية القمامة من دون سد الفلتر لتجنب تعطل الشفط
- منتج يعمل على توزيع الهواء النقي وتدويره
- تتيح عجلة العربة المثبتة في الخلف سهولة الحمل
نظرة عامةSHARP Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation that designs and manufactures electronic products, headquartered in Sakai-ku, Sakai, Osaka Prefecture. Since 2016 it has been majority owned by the Taiwan-based Foxconn Group. SHARP employs more than 50,000 people worldwide. The company was founded in September 1912 in Tokyo and takes its name from one of its founder's first Ever-SHARP mechanical pencil, which was invented by Tokuji Hayakawa in 1915. In 1912, Tokuji Hayakawa founded a metal workshop in Tokyo. The first of his many inventions was a snap buckle named 'Tokubijo'. Another of his inventions was the Ever-SHARP mechanical pencil in 1915, from which the SHARP Corporation derived its name. After the pencil business was destroyed by the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, the company relocated to Osaka and began designing the first generation of Japanese radio sets. These went on sale in 1925. In 1964, the company developed the world's first transistor calculator (the SHARP CS-10A), which was priced at JP¥535,000 (US$1,400). It took SHARP several years to develop the product as they had no experience in making computing devices at the time. Two years later, in 1966, SHARP introduced its first IC calculator using 145 Mitsubishi Electric-made bipolar ICs, priced at JP¥350,000 (about US$1000). Its first LSI calculator was introduced in 1969. This was the first pocketable calculator priced at less than JP¥100,000 (less than US$300), and turned out to be a popular item. Also in the same era the company introduced the first microwave oven with a turntable between 1964 and 1966. The company was renamed SHARP Corporation in 1970. SHARP introduced low-cost microwave ovens affordable for residential use in the late 1970s. SHARP ventured into the high end stereo market in 1976 with the introduction of high end receivers, amplifiers, speakers, turntables and cassette players. The Optonica line as it was called, consisted of high quality and technically advanced components, that was expanded in 1979, to cover a broader selection of high end equipment. During this run, SHARP introduced digital technology to some of the Optonica products, along with the traditional analogue products, and offered a complete selection of models ranging from low power high end receivers to very powerful models. The line was again changed, in 1981, and moved mainly into digital high end, complete stereo systems with advanced technological features setting the trend towards the digital age. The line was discontinued after 1981, but the Optonica line was again re-introduced in the late 1980s for a high end line of television receivers and higher quality mass market audio products such as VCR's, surround sound receivers, CD cassette boom boxes, and portable cassette players.