الميزات الأساسية- مصممة بنظام مبتكر يجعل من تفريغ الغبار أسهل وأكثر نظافة
- مناسبة، مع إزالة سريعة لوعاء الغبار والمصمم خصيصاً ليكون سهل الاستخدام ولضمان ألا تلمس يديكي أي غبار
- بها قوة شفط للمساعدة على تنظيف منزلك بشكل عميق ودقيق
- طول السلك 9 أمتار، تحكم متغير في الطاقة، نظام التخلص من الغبار، مؤشر LED لكيس الغبار، أنبوب تلسكوبي
نظرة عامةClean your home easily with the Hoover TC5235020 Vacuum Cleaner. It uses 2300W of power and a washable HEPA filter for efficient cleaning. This Hoover vacuum cleaner is designed with a 9m power cord, telescopic tube, and 360° rotating hose connection for comfortable use. The 3.2L dust bag comes with an LED alert indicator that tells you when you need to empty the bag. You can use this Hoover vacuum cleaner to clean various spaces by adjusting the power through the LED display. The Hoover TC5235020 Vacuum Cleaner features a powerful motor that uses just 2300W of power for efficiency. Its HEPA filter traps dust and stores it securely in the 3.5L dust bag. An LED alert indicator shows you when the bag is full so that you can empty it easily. This Hoover vacuum cleaner has an LED display that allows you to adjust the power conveniently. Thanks to the 9m power cord, telescopic tube, and 360° rotating hose connection, you can reach into tight spaces comfortably. The HEPA filter in this vacuum cleaner is also washable for easy reusability.