Experience the ultimate in entertainment with our 7ft Multi-Function Game Table. Assembled to perfection at 203.2x114.3x81.3cm, this table seamlessly transitions between pool, air hockey, and tennis.
Billiard Playing Field: 18mm MDF with velvet cloth
Air Hockey Table Playing Field: 3+12+3mm MDF
Tennis Table Playfield/Dining Table Top: 12mm MDF
Leg: 18mm MDF
This all-in-one game table comes with all accessories included, promising hours of family fun and excitement. Elevate your game room with this versatile and stylish 7ft Multi-Function Game Table.
طاولة ألعاب متعددة الاستخدامات بطول 7 أقدام - بلياردو وهوكي هوائي وتنس في واحدة