Hear | G4 |
Lumen | 250LM |
The importance of daylight (yellow) light in living, dining and bedrooms is extremely important in every room of your home, especially in the bedroom, to maximize peace and comfort.; It is recommended to prefer yellow light for the health and comfort of your eyes.; Yellow light rests your eyes that have been tired throughout the day and provides a relaxing effect with its soft and warm tones.; You can create a calm and serene atmosphere by using yellow light especially in the bedroom.; Yellow light facilitates the transition to sleep and helps you relax before going to sleep.; The soft tone of yellow light wraps your body and mind like an ivy, inviting you to a deep sleep.; The white lights you are exposed to throughout the day tire your eyes and can disrupt your sleep, but yellow light does the opposite.; It reduces eye strain and takes you to a peaceful environment.; When you return home after a long and stressful day, the yellow light that greets you in your bedroom creates a therapeutic effect.; You can create a general atmosphere of peace by using yellow light not only in the bedroom but also in other rooms of your home.; This light creates a warm, inviting and relaxing ambiance in your rooms.; Yellow light, unlike cold white light, rests your eyes, improves your mood and provides a calm mind.; You can improve your sleep pattern by using yellow light in your bedroom, get a better quality sleep and feel more energetic and happy throughout the day.; Yellow light fills your last moments before sleep with peace and serenity, allows you to fall into a deep sleep throughout the night. The light makes your home warm and welcoming, relieves you of stress and makes you feel happy.; Therefore, protect your eye health and nourish your soul by using yellow light in your home.; Remember, the color and tone of the light can directly affect your quality of life.; Yellow light is one of the simplest yet effective ways to create a peaceful atmosphere in your home.; You will feel happier, more peaceful and rested.; By preferring yellow light in your home, you will feel happier, more peaceful and rested.