Fur Inside House Slippers: Fur Inside House Slippers are Slippers Used Inside the House to Keep Feet Warm and Provide Comfort. They are generally designed to be worn on cold surfaces during the winter months. The interior is covered with a warm and soft material, thus protecting the feet from the cold while providing a comfortable experience. Guest Slippers: Guest Slippers are generally offered for guests to move around comfortably in the host's house. They Usually Have Clean And Stylish Designs And Offer Guests A Comfortable Experience. They are also preferred as a hygienic option. Dowry Bundle Slippers: Dowry Bundle Slippers are the slippers traditionally added to the dowry of the bride candidates. These Slippers Can Have Special Designs And Add A Clean And Special Touch To Brides' New Life. They are generally preferred as decorated and elegant slippers. Each Type of Slippers is Designed to Serve a Specific Purpose and Offers Comfort and Functionality to Its Users. Slipper Selection Should Be Made Depending on Personal Needs and Preferences