Benefits of CHI moringa and argan oil conditioner :
The most important features and benefits of CHI moringa and argan oil hair conditioner are moisturizing hair, getting rid of volatility, nourishing hair and protecting hair against heat
The most important features and benefits of CHI moringa and argan oil hair conditioner are moisturizing hair, getting rid of volatility, nourishing hair and protecting hair against heat
After washing the hair with CHI moringa and argan oil shampoo put the conditioner evenly on wet hair from the middle to the ends then leave it from 1 to 3 minutes then rinse the hair with lukewarm water
Country of Origin : United States
Caution & Warnings: If CHI moringa and argan oil hair conditioner comes into contact with the eyes rinse them carefully with lakewarm water
Package size of CHI moringa and argan oil hair conditioner : 340 ml 739 ml
Frequently asked questions about CHI moringa and argan oil hair conditioner :
What are the benefits of argan oil? Argan oil protects hair from sunlight and enhances hair shine
Is there any damage caused by argan oil on the hair? No, because argan oil is one of the natural oils that are safe for topical use