Our Baby Crib Wedge wide12.6 inche and if your baby crib wide than it, we recommend that you put the Baby Crib Wedge under the mattress instead of directly under your baby or will make your baby roll right off
Being parents ourselves, we make safety our top priority.
High-density foam crib wedge and covers are ultra-safe and free from all harsh chemicals.
The bassinet wedge is firm enough to keep your little one elevated throughout the night, while still being soft and comfortable to ensure a peaceful sleep.
Doctor recommended 10-degree incline safely elevates your baby's head & torso for sound and comfortable sleep.
Baby Crib Memory Foam Sleeping Wedge Nursery Pillow Infant Sleep Positioner Baby Crib Inclines Mattress with Removal Waterproof Cotton Cover Reduce Colic and Acid Reflux White