Highlights- Lactose-free infant formula based on cow milk used from birth onwards.
- البريبايوتكس (اف او اس) لتوليد درجة حموضة حمضية تمنع التصاق البكتيريا المسببة للأمراض بالأمعاء وتعزز المناعة.
- Rich in calcium, iron, zinc which helps reduce the incidence and duration of diarrhea and 13 vitamins like vit D, vit C for boosting immune system.
- Bioactive compounds like (taurine & L-carnitine), essential fatty acids for cognitive and visual functions development.
- Contains 100% maltodextrin, no lactose or sucrose.
OverviewBlemil Plus Lactose Free Milk 400g is a product specially made for medical purposes that milk contains for the healthy growth and normal development of the child. It does not contain lactose. It provides the necessary nutrition for the child from birth until the entire breastfeeding period. It contains maltodextrin that increases digestion in addition to nucleotides that help the child's immune system to mature and prevent infections of the digestive system.