Highlights- This safe but fast-acting enzyme-based formula reduces and eliminates muck, dead leaves, odors and other organic matter that can harm a water feature or pump | When applied to fresh water it will super charge naturally occurring bacteria to cons
- When applied to fresh water it will super charge naturally occurring bacteria to consume micronutrients
- With regular use, it will help to protect and extend the life of your water feature and extended the life of any pumps in use
OverviewOvertime,decorative birdbaths and fountainswill develop microorganisms that affect your water quality. Organic contaminants and other mineral deposits may lead to a cloudy/murky appearance and possibly smelly water. It's important to treat the water with a blend of naturally occurring beneficial bacteria that keeps your fountain or birdbath clean and clear by breaking down organic waste while reducing nutrients, which greatly improves the water. Prevents stains, sludge, mineral deposits and organic contaminants. All natural enzymes. Safe for people, pets, birds and other wildlife.