Book Description | What This Book Teaches (Universal Waves) This Book explains the true relationship between our every day's physical world and the true world we live in. We know our Sub-Conscious Mind exists on many different levels. Though our Brain needs our physical senses to navigate though the world, as we know it, we are still not complete. Could it be, something is telling us we are more than just this illusion, called reality? This is not a new quest. Many throughout the ages have tried to understand why we feel so compelled to find this answer. Even Albert Einstein tried to answer this question. He told us that "everything is energy"; that "a human being is a part of this whole, we call the Universe". His words echoed some of the most ancient of philosophical and spiritual teachings of ancient times. And even our most cutting-edge scientific discoveries of today, have yet to answer this question. We have come to realize that there is but a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe, known as the Universal Mind. It is all knowing, all-powerful, all creative, and always present. As it is present everywhere at the same time, it follows that it must also be present in you, that it is you. Your mind is part of this Universal Mind. This is not a simply philosophical ideal passed down to us through the ages. It is an exact scientific truth. We know! We were designed to live on a much higher plane of existence. One in which we have far more Power, with a Mind free from the clutter of our physical senses. A world, in which we are Will Driven, with a higher state of Awareness; greater healing powers, and a true knowledge of the real world around us. But! What is Will Driven? The best way that I can describe it is that it is one step up from our Physical Brain; a level known as the Universal Mind. And! Most important of all, is that anyone can become Will Driven. This DMA Book Series explains how with just five simple easy to do mental and physical exercises you can become Will Driven; how to Breathe by Will, Walk by Will, Move by Will, Center by Will, and how to be Aware by Will. I have taught it to both children and adults, and neither had any problem learning it. Welcome to the Real World of "the Universal Mind ". And. Therefore, this book has no ending, because we are still Evolving. |