OverviewDucray Kertyol PSO Care Rebalancing Salicylic Acid Shampoo For Dandruff is a complimentary treatment for psoriasis-prone skin that relieves irritation and redness while also reducing apparent plaques on the scalp. With a novel active component that has specialized anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on psoriasis-related aspects, it aids in the speedy improvement of skin appearance. Celastrol, vederine®, and ichtyol are soothing active compounds that operate directly on keratinocytes to prevent plaque formation and improve skin look. The additional ingredient salicylic acid is a keratolytic active component that aids the removal of visible plaques from the scalp. Ducray Kertyol PSO salicylic acid shampoo quickly relieves irritation and redness due to its anti-inflammatory and calming characteristics, and it is safe to use in conjunction with medical treatments or as a follow-up, normalizing flaking and preventing recurrences.