Book Description | This is an anthology of readings intended for use as a primary text in first-degree courses in professional ethics. Increasingly, universities are offering such general courses as an alternative to the proliferation of specialized courses in the ethics of particular professions, for example engineering, business, and law. As yet, however, no satisfactory text has appeared.
This book is organized around issues; it raises a particular ethical question and examines it in the context of different professions. It includes essays both by philosophers and people working in the professions. The editor has supplied a wide variety of pedagogic aids, including introductions to and study of discussion questions for each set of readings, cases for discussion, and an appendix on preparing cases for class discussion and preparing position papers. |
About the Author | "Well organized...Will be useful to introductory courses in professional ethics and makes an important contribution to pedagogy."--Bruce D. Weinstein, West Virginia University School of Medicine
"This helpful general text and excellent teaching tool in professional ethics includes a concise and clear introduction to ethical theory, essays on the nature of professions, role morality, models for professional-client interaction, and discussion of deception, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, responsibility, dissent, justice, character, and professional codes....Many essays included are classics (e.g., Sissela Bok on lying, Everett Hughes on
the professions), and controversies with opposing viewpoints are noted."--Ethics
"The book's overall organization, chapter introductions, and discussion questions enable readers to see connecting themes and to recognize that life in any profession involves grappling with many difficult ethical questions. It's a very sophisticated and uplifting book."--Engineering Times
"Welcome and original....A much needed anthology for a generic professional ethics undergraduate course."--Teaching Philosophy
"A valuable reference and could serve as an anthology in professional ethics courses that aim to alert students to the continuities that exist between the ethical issues in their field and others. Well organized, well edited, and comprehensive."--Religious Studies Review
"The best general text in propositional ethics I've come across. The overall structure of the anthology is very well conceived, the editorial summaries and intros are insightful, [and] the selections are theoretically challenging."--R. B. Louden, University of Southern Maine
"I will use this in numerous courses on applied ethics--an excellent new classic. Applicable to both engineering and medical ethics."--Sara Merrill, Kansas State University
"A very helpful text....A fine discussion of foundational issues in ethics; good selection of articles, excellent range of issue areas in a variety of professions; inclusion of topical bibliographies; and the use of case studies. [A] versatile text that can be used in a variety of courses."--Ronald P. Hamel, College of St. Thomas
"The idea of presenting ethics as an interdisciplinary concept is very effective and the chapters are well illustrated with examples so as to 'make sense' to students."--William D. Hyatt, Western Carolina University
"A valuable reference (cases, professional codes of ethics, bibliography) and could serve as an anthology in professional ethics courses that aim to alert students to the continuities that exist between the ethical issues in their field and others. Well organized, well edited, and comprehensive."--Religious Studies Review
"A good reference text for ADN level. Will use....Good material for Nursing Continued Education Programs."--Martha Hill, Elizabeth Community College
"A fine collection of material....Good balance of positions and topics."--Glenn C. Graber, University of Tennessee
"Just the sort of book I have been looking for for years."--Richard Lee, University of Arkansas
"Provides a stimulating exploration of a variety of ethical issues which cut across several professions."--William L. Richter, Kansas State University
"In-depth coverage incorporating wide variety of authors and viewpoints."--Barb Braband, Allen School of Nursing, University of Iowa
"Broad perspective. Raises many ethical issues of varied vocations."--Nancy Halter, Baptist Medical System, Little Rock, AR
"Very convincing in stressing the pervasiveness and necessity for ethics in all the professions."--Waren C. Harrill, St. Anselm College
"Excellent selection of articles."--Carol Taylor, Georgetown University
"The editor has selected widely divergent points of view. The inclusion of Kant is, in my opinion, particularly welcome."--P. Nathaniel Fultz, Chapman University |