NIKON EYE-PIECE TECHNOLOGY: The electronic eyepiece, developed by Nikon, combines a best-in-class micro OLED screen, designed to enhance contrast and deliver a perfect black image, and a sophisticated array of lenses.
SMART LIGHT POLLUTION REDUCTION: Unistellar’s proprietary software swiftly mitigates the impact of light pollution and allows for distant objects to be observed in crisp detail, even from bright inner-city environments.
AUTONOMOUS FIELD DETECTION: No need for constellation knowledge, no polar star alignment: The eVscope 2 combined with the Unistellar app will automatically point & track your desired object. Spend more time exploring space and less calibrating.
ENHANCED VISION TECHNOLOGY: Utilizes image stacking and live image processing techniques. By optimizing the images captured live by the telescope, this technology allows for unparalleled views of the cosmos.
UNISTELLAR APP: Transform your smartphone or tablet into a cosmic command center with the Unistellar app. Easily access and observe thousands of space objects from our in-app catalog with just a single click. Works with Android and iOS.