Final Fantasy XV is an open world action role-playing game where players take control of main protagonist Noctis Lucis Caelum during his journey across the world of Eos
While accompanied by his three companions Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, Noctis is the only character directly controlled by the player
The kingdom of Lucis is a large connected landmass that can be explored on foot, by using the party's car "Regalia", or chocobos, recurring galliform birds in the Final Fantasy series
Both the regalia and chosen chocobos can be customised by the player, and chocobos can join in battles if their connection to the characters is strong enough
The party can also fast-travel to areas unlocked on the world map
Type of Console Software
PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Parental Rating
Video Game Genre
Number of Players
Single Player
Product Features
Final Fantasy XV (Intl Version) - Adventure - PlayStation 4 (PS4)