About the Author | Kenneth C. Ludema received Bachelor and Master's degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan. He then completed two Ph.D. programs, one in material science at Michigan and one in physics at Cambridge University. He went on to pursue a distinguished career as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, specializing in the friction and wear of materials. Layo Ajayi is a Principal Materials Scientist in the Tribology group of Argonne National Laboratory. He earned a doctorate degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Michigan in 1989 studying with Ken Ludema. He has conducted research work in general areas of lubrication and wear mechanisms, as well as surface engineering for more than 30 years in both industry (Wedeven Associates and Caterpillar, Inc.) and Argonne National Laboratory. His recent activities focused on the study of boundary lubrication mechanisms using the various analytical tools; development of a new scuffing theory; surface engineering in form of texture control; friction stir processing; advanced lubricant design and evaluation. Layo is a Fellow of STLE (2011), Member of ASM-International, American Ceramic Society and SAE. He has authored and co-author over 200 technical papers and reports in the area of tribology and surface engineering, and holds 7 US patents. |