Book Description | Fruit Production and Processing Technology is the exciting subject developed in the field and makes accessible to the reader a comprehensive and coherent coverage of the basic needs of orchard management with the principles and techniques of plant regeneration, care, preservation of fruit. A large variety of fruits can be used to obtain by the appropriate technological process different kinds of semi - finished product starting from fresh fruits just harvested from field or stored in controlled atmosphere warehouses.The ripeness degree, the freshness and the cleanness of the raw materialsareveryimportanttoobtainahighqualityjuice. Fruit is sometimes defined as the product of growth from an angiosperm, or flowering plant. From a purely botanical point of view, the fruit may be only the fleshy growth that arises from the ovary of a flower and may not necessarily include any other structures. From the consumer's or food processor's point of view, however, fruit is generally characterized as the edible product of a plant or tree that includes the seed and its envelope and can typically be described as juicy, sweet, and pulpy. Present book has been designed to provide overall information of principles of fruit production and processing technology. |